The Venmo Android App Switch SDK enables anyone to easily add person-to-person payments to an app. After adding the required sample files to your project, all that's left is to add a few input fields and fire off a request. To demonstrate how simple it is to integrate the App Switch SDK, let's walk through a sample app that allows a user to send a Venmo payment to a contact by searching for a name or phone number. Integrating contacts into your app is not a requirement to use our SDK, but it is a common use case so I decided to go over that process here. Download the source code for the complete app here:
This tutorial uses an AutoCompleteTextView
widget to search a user's contact list. AutoCompleteTextView
is similar to EditText
, except that it provides a list of suggestions to the user based on what they are typing and allows the user to click on one to complete their entry.
In order for AutocompleteTextView
to know what suggestions to provide to the user, we must provide it a ListAdapter
that implements Filterable
. The ListAdapter
allows the AutocompleteTextView
to access your suggestions, and implementing Filterable
filters the list by what the user is currently typing. We'll be using the SimpleCursorAdapter ListAdapter
First, retrieve a user's contact information by adding the read contacts permission to AndroidManifest.xml. If we don't add this permission, we will be prevented from reading contact info. Add this line under the manifest tag:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
Contact information in Android is exposed by a ContentProvider
, a class that allows applications to access content. The contact ContentProvider
allows us to look up the contact information via a SQLite query. The contact information will be inside a Cursor
, a class that encapsulates the query results. Since our data is inside a Cursor
, we don't have to implement our own ListAdapter
from scratch and can instead use a SimpleCursorAdapter
which handles much of the adapter boilerplate code for us.
We can access the contact ContentProvider
by using a ContentResolver
. ContentResolver
provides a query method that looks like a SQLite query. Let's take a look at its definition:
ContentResolver.query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder)
allows theContentResolver
to identify aContentProvider
that will handle this query. We will be using this parameter to address our query to the contactsContentProvider
is a list of columns we want the query to returnselection
is a list of predicates that allow us to filter out unwanted resultsselectionArgs
is a list of arguments to ourWHERE
clause. Question marks will be replaced with the selection args in the order they appear (first question mark maps toselectionArgs[0]
, …)sortOrder
specifies how the results should be ordered in the cursor
This generates a SQLite query that will look something like this:
SELECT <projection> FROM <uri> WHERE <selection> ORDER BY <sortOrder>
Making the Projection Statement
There are many columns in the Android Contact
entity, but we only need a few of them here. We care about Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY
, Phone.NUMBER
, and Data._ID
We can now set up our projection:
private static final String[] PROJECTION = new String[]{
Making the SQLite Selection Statement
Building SQLite queries in Java can be confusing, so let's walk through this step-by-step.
- Check if either Contact.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY
or Phone.NUMBER
start with the input text. Since the contact name and phone number are strings, we can use the LIKE
operator to see if the input text matches.
private final String SELECTION = '(' + Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY + " LIKE ? OR " + Phone.NUMBER + " LIKE ?) AND " +
- Compare the
column to thePhone.TYPE_MOBILE
column to make sure we are only looking at mobile phone numbers.
Phone.TYPE + "='" + Phone.TYPE_MOBILE + "' AND " +
- Because there are many different types of information associated with a contact, compare the
column toPhone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE
using the equality operator to make sure we are dealing with phone number information.
Data.MIMETYPE + "='" + Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE + "'";
Instantiating the Adapter
In order to instantiate the adapter, we need to provide a valid Context
, a layout resource for a single list item, and a mapping between columns and view IDs. This mapping allows the SimpleCursorAdapter
to automatically display a list item for us with very little code. We can choose to provide a cursor at instantiation, but for our purposes this is unnecessary. We are using a pre-existing layout resource for simplicity.
SimpleCursorAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,
new String[]{
new int[]{,
Set a FilterQueryProvider
so the adapter knows how to get content, given text to filter with. The query is run on a background thread, so we don't have to worry about blocking the main thread.
adapter.setFilterQueryProvider(new FilterQueryProvider() {
public Cursor runQuery(CharSequence constraint) {
String constraintWithWildcard = constraint + "%";
return getContentResolver().query(
new String[]{
We also need to provide a CursorToStringConverter
so the adapter knows how to convert a contact row into a string the AutoCompleteTextView
can use to complete a user's entry.
adapter.setCursorToStringConverter(new SimpleCursorAdapter.CursorToStringConverter() {
public CharSequence convertToString(Cursor cursor) {
int phoneNumberIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER);
return cursor.getString(phoneNumberIndex);
All that's left is to set the adapter on the AutoCompleteTextView
mRecipient = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(;
Now that we can get contact info, let's see how we can open the Venmo app and pay a contact. Let's walk through a sample method to open Venmo and make a transaction.
private void doTransaction(String recipient, String amount, String note, String txn) {
try {
Intent venmoIntent = VenmoLibrary.openVenmoPayment(APP_ID, APP_NAME, recipient, amount, note, txn);
startActivityForResult(venmoIntent, 1); //1 is the requestCode we are using for Venmo. Feel free to change this to another number.
} catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException e) //Venmo native app not install on device, so let's instead open a mobile web version of Venmo in a WebView
Intent venmoIntent = new Intent(MyActivity.this, VenmoWebViewActivity.class);
String venmo_uri = VenmoLibrary.openVenmoPaymentInWebView(APP_ID, APP_NAME, recipient, amount, note, txn);
venmoIntent.putExtra("url", venmo_uri);
startActivityForResult(venmoIntent, VENMO_REQUEST_CODE);
We are using an Intent
, a class Android provides to launch other components, to launch the Venmo app in order to complete a transaction. Note that if the app is not installed, a WebView
will be launched that uses the Venmo website to complete the transaction. To get results from the App Switch SDK, we can define onActivityResult
in our Activity
, like so:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
switch(requestCode) {
case 1: { //1 is the requestCode we picked for Venmo earlier when we called startActivityForResult
if(resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
String signedrequest = data.getStringExtra("signedrequest");
if(signedrequest != null) {
VenmoResponse response = (new VenmoLibrary()).validateVenmoPaymentResponse(signedrequest, app_secret);
if(response.getSuccess().equals("1")) {
//Payment successful. Use data from response object to display a success message
String note = response.getNote();
String amount = response.getAmount();
else {
String error_message = data.getStringExtra("error_message");
//An error occurred. Display the error_message to the user.
else if(resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {
//The user cancelled the payment
And that's it!